cleanroom supplies for hazardous drug compounding usp chapter 800 compliance

Cleanroom Supplies For Hazardous Drug Compounding

WHAT CLEANROOM SUPPLIES ARE SAFE FOR HANDLING CHEMOTHERAPY? With the passing of USP Chapter 800, a more strict look at proper cleanroom supplies and disposable apparel is apparent. When handling hazardous drugs, extra precaution must be taken to ensure that your skin is fully protected. In standard non-hazardous compounding clean rooms, a basic lint-free cleanroom…

sterile chemo gowns protective apparel

Sterile Chemo Gowns and Protective Apparel

Sterile Chemo Gowns and Related Apparel Sterile chemo gowns and sterile protective apparel that has been ASTM-tested for protection against chemotherapy drugs are becoming very in demand. USP 800 compliance is coming under closer scrutiny and is a major concern for hospitals, compounding pharmacies and healthcare facilities, operating procedures and cleanliness are becoming more and…